Showing a the hands of a crowd at a concert with lights in the background

The stage is set. Flashing lights illuminate the room. The air is filled with energy as the crowd roars with excitement. Feels familiar? This is the magic of a concert, an experience that goes above and beyond the everyday ordinary and leaves a lasting impression on every person in attendance.


Concerts are a great way to bring people together and create memories that will last a lifetime for every person involved. However, planning a concert can easily become overwhelming, especially if you're inexperienced and not sure where to start. From creating a budget, to picking the right venue, and promoting the event, there are numerous factors that go into concert planning. In this blog, we'll break down the process into 9 easy steps that you can follow to make your next concert a major success.

1. Establish Goals and Define your Vision

Successfully getting any task done starts with setting goals for yourself. When concert planning, it’s important to define the purpose of your concert and what you hope to accomplish. What type of audience are you trying to attract? What type of experience are you aiming to create for your guests? This sets a clear foundation, and answering these questions will help you stay on track when it comes to your decision making.

2. Create a Budget

Setting a realistic budget should be at the top of your priority list. Without carefully crafting a budget before you start planning your concert, expenses can easily skyrocket. The best way to determine what you’ll need to include in your budget is to think about what you’ll have to take care of before, during, and after the concert. Some of the major expenses associated with concert planning include venue rental fees, performer fees, promotion expenses, and staffing costs. Two of the biggest mistakes you could make is underestimating your expenses and overestimating the revenue you’ll make. Therefore, keep a close eye on your budget and monitor it regularly throughout the entire planning process.

3. Find your Talent

Obviously, you’ll need to book talent to perform at your concert! Make a list of between five to ten artists or bands that you want to reach out to. In your message, make sure that you clearly identify all the details upfront, including what payment will look like or if you’re asking them to volunteer their time. Sometimes this may involve communicating with the artist’s manager or agent. Once you’ve found someone who fits the vibe, negotiate booking fees and sign them to appropriate contracts and paperwork to make sure that everything is in place for the big day. 


Find your talent - four band members playing instruments on a rooftop parking lot

4. Pick the Perfect Venue

The next challenge to tackle is that you’ll want to find the right venue to host the performance. You may already have the right place in mind, or you may be considering different options. Here are a few questions that you’ll want to ask yourself: What does the max capacity look like? What type of amenities do they offer (ex: is there parking? Do they already have AV equipment ready to use?). Once you’ve solidified your choice, review security measures, venue rules, and hygiene protocols to make sure that the guest experience is as smooth as possible.

5. Finalize Time and Date

After finding the perfect venue, it’s time to set a date for your concert. Concerts can take place during any point in the year, but there are a few things you should consider to make sure things run smoothly. Check in on the availability of your preferred venue, the schedules of your performers, and any conflicting events or holidays that might impact attendance. Give yourself plenty of time to plan, promote and execute the event.


Finalize time and date - bird's eye view of a concert venue crowd with performer on stage.

6. Pick your Event Ticketing Partner

Ticketing is an essential part of your concert planning process. After all, this is how you’re able to generate a profit! There are a variety of online ticketing platforms out there, which can make it tricky to find the right one for your event. It’s key to look for a platform that offers easy payment processing, customizable ticketing options, and low fees. If you’re still feeling stuck, check out these 20 questions to ask yourself when choosing your ticketing partner. Need additional help setting up your event ticketing? Schedule a demo with our team and we’ll do all the heavy lifting for you!

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7. Promote the Concert

Now that you have a solid plan for your concert, the next step is getting people to show up to it! There are several routes that you can take when it comes to promotion. Take it online through methods like social media marketing or email marketing, or offline through methods like flyers and promotional items. You may want to consider partnering with sponsors, media outlets, and influencers to increase your reach to help get the word out. 


Promote the concert - view of a crowd from the front with their hands raised in the air

8. Prepare for the Day of the Concert

Planning out the logistics is crucial to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day of the concert. Make sure every detail is clarified: assign roles to your team members, coordinate with security, and prepare for any emergencies that may occur. When the day finally arrives, ensure that everything is in place before attendees arrive. Test equipment, set up signage, and check in with your talent to make sure they are ready to go.

9. Execute the Show

Finally, the big moment! It’s time to execute the show. Monitor crowd flow, keep an eye on the time to make sure everything runs on schedule, and promptly handle any issues that arise. Even after the concert is over, the planning doesn’t have to end. Now is the time to collect feedback from attendees, performers, and team members to improve your planning process for future concerts to make them even more spectacular.


Execute the show - view of a concert crowd with performer on stage.

Final Thoughts

It goes without saying that planning a concert requires a lot of work, but it's a rewarding experience that creates a memorable experience for your attendees. By following these 9 steps, you can successfully plan and execute a concert that meets your goals and is able to exceed your audience's expectations.

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