Female host recording podcast interview with guest at home office

Do you want to have perfect pitch? We’re not talking about singing here. In terms of local media, the perfect pitch can help your event gain news coverage in newspapers, podcasts, online publications, and even TV. 


But crafting the perfect pitch for local media is tricky, and a lot of event organizers get it wrong the first time they attempt it. You need to make a compelling case that will capture journalists' interest and persuade them to cover your event. Here are 20 things you should…and shouldn’t…do when pitching your event to local media:


Promote Your Event Feature on Passage

  1. Do: Craft a Strong Pitch

What does a strong pitch look like? It’s a concise, clear, and attention-grabbing message that highlights the unique aspects of your event. Clearly communicate why your event is newsworthy, relevant, and deserving of media coverage.

  1. Don't: Spam Journalists

Avoid sending mass, generic emails to every journalist in your contact list. Personalize your pitches and only reach out to relevant media outlets and reporters who cover topics related to your event.

  1. Do: Research Your Targets

Identify local media outlets and journalists who cover topics related to your event's theme, audience, or location. Tailor your pitch to each outlet's preferences, interests, and editorial style.

  1. Don't: Be Pushy or Aggressive

While it's important to follow up with journalists, don't bombard them with repeated emails or phone calls. Respect their time and boundaries, and be patient in your communication.

  1. Do: Personalize Your Outreach

Address journalists by name and personalize your pitch to demonstrate that you've done your homework. Reference their previous work or recent articles to show that you're familiar with their coverage areas.


Woman using laptop while sitting on grey couch with an empty coffee cup

  1. Don't: Overpromise or Misrepresent

Be honest and transparent about your event, its purpose, and what attendees can expect. Avoid exaggerating or making false claims to entice media coverage, as this can damage your credibility and harm your relationship with journalists.

  1. Do: Provide Compelling Details

Include all essential event details in your pitch, such as the date, time, location, theme, keynote speakers, special guests, and unique features. Make it easy for journalists to understand what your event is about and why it's noteworthy.

  1. Don't: Ignore Journalists' Preferences

Take the time to research each media outlet and journalist's preferences, editorial style, and deadlines. Tailor your pitches accordingly and respect their preferences regarding communication channels and follow-up methods.

  1. Do: Highlight Newsworthy Angles

Identify the most newsworthy angles or story hooks associated with your event. This could include significant announcements, groundbreaking research, celebrity appearances, community impact, or innovative programming.

  1. Don't: Ignore Rejection or Feedback

If a journalist declines to cover your event or provides feedback on your pitch, don't take it personally. Use any feedback constructively to improve your future pitches and relationships with media professionals.


Journalists surrounding businessman in suit, asking questions while holding microphones

  1. Do: Offer Exclusive Content

Provide journalists with exclusive access to event-related content, such as behind-the-scenes interviews, sneak peeks, or exclusive photo opportunities. Exclusive content can entice journalists to cover your event and differentiate their coverage from competitors.

  1. Don't: Neglect Social Media Etiquette

While social media can be a valuable tool for promoting your event, avoid spamming followers or excessively promoting your event at the expense of other content. Engage authentically with your audience and provide value beyond event promotion.

  1. Do: Include Visual Assets

Enhance your pitch with high-quality visual assets, such as photos, videos, infographics, or logos. Visual elements can make your pitch more engaging and help journalists visualize their potential coverage of your event.

  1. Don't: Forget to Proofread

Before sending out any communications to journalists or posting on social media, thoroughly proofread your content for grammatical errors, typos, or factual inaccuracies. Sloppy or unprofessional writing can reflect poorly on your event and organization.

  1. Do: Highlight Local Relevance

Emphasize the local relevance of your event and its impact on the community. Highlight any partnerships, sponsorships, or collaborations with local businesses, organizations, or stakeholders.


Cameraman in denim jacket looking through the lens of professional film camera

  1. Don't: Burn Bridges

Maintain professional relationships with journalists, even if they don't cover your event or provide the desired level of coverage. Treat every interaction as an opportunity to build rapport and credibility for future collaborations.

  1. Do: Offer Interview Opportunities

Offer journalists the opportunity to interview event organizers, keynote speakers, participants, or beneficiaries. Personal interviews can provide journalists with valuable insights and quotes for their coverage.

  1. Don't: Rely Solely on Traditional Media

While traditional media outlets can be valuable for event promotion, don't overlook other channels such as social media influencers, community newsletters, or industry blogs. Diversify your promotional efforts to reach a broader audience.

  1. Do: Follow Up Professionally

Follow up with journalists a few days after sending your initial pitch to ensure they received it and to address any questions or concerns they may have. Be polite, professional, and persistent in your follow-up communications.

  1. Don't: Forget to Say Thank You

Express gratitude to journalists who cover your event or express interest in doing so, whether through a thank-you email, a handwritten note, or a public acknowledgment. Building positive relationships with media professionals can benefit you in the long run.

Final Thoughts

When promoting your event to local media, it's important to avoid certain pitfalls that could hinder your efforts or damage your reputation. By following these tips and crafting a compelling pitch tailored to the interests of local media outlets, you can increase the likelihood of securing coverage for your event and reaching a broader audience.


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