big city with lots of neon signs promoting various advertisements

As an event producer, you know that event promoting can be a challenging and time-consuming task. Getting the word out to potential guests is essential, but it can be difficult to know just where to start. With so many different directories and channels available, it can be overwhelming to keep up with all the requirements and standards. 


That's why we're excited to announce the newest feature on our online ticket sales platform: Promote Your Event. We’re looking to help your event be as successful as possible and what better way to do that than by giving you the power to reach more fans with just a few clicks?

Tell Me More!

Are you looking for a bump in ticket purchases? We’ve partnered with Event Vesta to submit your event to every major local media event directory in your area. All you have to do is fill out a short informational form with your event’s details and pay a $100 one-time fee. 


These include directories from local newspapers, TV stations, magazines, radio stations, chambers of commerce, visitors bureaus, social media directories, and more - reaching tens of thousands (or more) monthly visitors. This service is currently available in 108 metro areas across the U.S. and expanding fast!


What Are the Benefits?

1. Increased visibility. With Event Vesta's network of local event directories, your event will be placed in front of a larger audience than you may be able to reach on your own. This can help increase visibility and awareness of your event, potentially leading to increased ticket sales.

2. Time and cost savings. Promoting an event can be a time-consuming and expensive process. This new feature allows you to save time and money by submitting your event to multiple local directories with just one submission and one fee. 

3. Easy to use. Event Vesta's submission process is straightforward and easy to use. With just a few clicks, you can submit your event information and pay the submission fee, leaving the rest to Event Vesta.

4. Expertise. Whether you need help on our end with the logistics of utilizing this feature, or Event Vesta’s help with learning how to promote an event, we’re here for you. The Event Vesta team can help with guidance and support throughout the submission process and beyond, helping to ensure the best possible outcome for your event.

5. Guaranteed compliance. Aside from the fact that it will be much easier to widely promote your event, it’ll be done right. This feature will ensure that your event details are formatted correctly for every different directory. In many cases, they all have different length requirements and other restrictions you won’t have to worry about, it’ll be taken care of for you.

How Do I Use This Feature?

We’ve made the setup process super EASY for you, just three steps.

  1. Click on “Events” then “Manage” within the admin area. 

  2. Click drop-down menu under the name of the event you want to promote. 




3. Select "Promote" at the bottom of that list. 


From there it’s as simple as filling out the form, completing the payment, and waiting!



1. Complete the form. We've already filled in most of the info from your event page, so you can just complete the final couple of items and upload an event poster.

2. Pay the $100 submission fee. The payment form will show right after you complete the information below.


3. Event Vesta will submit your event to at least 10-15 local directories within 1-3 business days! Please note that each event directory may have its own review process. While most directories will publish your listing within a couple of business days, some can take one to two weeks (or longer). Additionally, while Event Vesta has a GREAT placement rate of 90%+, we cannot guarantee that the directory will publish your listing.

It’s As Simple As That!

Promote Your Event is an exciting new Passage feature that makes marketing your events more accessible and effortless. With this feature, you can focus on other aspects of your event while ensuring the word gets out. 


Passage is more than just an event ticketing company. We help you reach more fans and sell more tickets. Schedule a virtual demo with our team to see how it works.

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