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Have you ever had this experience? You spend hours painstakingly writing a press release for your event, describing how great it’s going to be, then emailing it individually to dozens of local journalists. But then…nothing. No news coverage. Not even a response. 


What happened?


Writing an effective press release for your upcoming event is crucial for garnering local media coverage. But it’s harder than ever to cut through the noise and secure any kind of mention in the press. We’re here to help you avoid common pitfalls and craft the perfect press release for your event that won’t get ignored by local media outlets. 

Why Journalists Ignore Press Releases

There are several reasons why a journalist might ignore a press release:

1. Lack of Newsworthiness

If the press release doesn't contain anything newsworthy or relevant to the journalist's audience, they may ignore it. Journalists are looking for stories that will interest and inform their readers, viewers, or listeners.

2. Poor Timing

Timing is crucial in journalism. If your press release arrives at a busy time for the journalist or if the event or announcement is too far in the future, they may overlook it. Similarly, if your press release is sent too late for the journalist to cover the story, they may not have the capacity to include it.

3. Irrelevant Content

If the press release is not relevant to the journalist's beat or area of interest, they are unlikely to pay attention to it. Journalists receive many press releases every day, so they tend to prioritize those that align with their expertise or the topics they cover.

4. Poorly Written

A press release that is poorly written, contains grammatical errors, or lacks clarity may be dismissed by journalists. They don't have time to decipher confusing information or correct mistakes.

5. Overly Promotional

Journalists prefer press releases that provide factual information rather than those that read like advertisements. If the press release is overly promotional or biased, the journalist may ignore it.

6. Lack of Contact Information

If the press release doesn't include clear contact information for follow-up questions or interviews, journalists may pass on it rather than spend time searching for ways to get in touch.

7. Relationship with Sender

Journalists often prioritize press releases from sources or organizations they have established relationships with. If they don't know the sender or haven't had positive experiences with them in the past, they may be less likely to engage with the press release.

8. Volume of Emails

Journalists receive a high volume of emails every day. Your press release might get lost in the shuffle, especially if it's not attention-grabbing or doesn't stand out from the rest.

9. Duplicate Content

If the press release has already been covered extensively by other media outlets, journalists may choose not to cover it to avoid redundancy unless there's a unique angle or new development.

10. Limited Space or Resources

Media outlets often have limited space or resources for news coverage. Even if your press release is newsworthy, the journalist may not have the capacity to cover it at that time.


To increase the chances of your press release getting noticed, ensure it is newsworthy, relevant, well-written, and targeted to the right journalists at the right time. Building relationships with journalists can also improve your chances of getting coverage.


Thoughtful young African American woman with curly hair sitting at a cafe writing in a notebook

How to Write an Effective Press Release for Your Event

Writing an effective press release for your upcoming event is crucial for garnering local media coverage. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you craft a compelling press release:

1. Start with a Strong Headline

Your headline should be attention-grabbing and concise. It should summarize the event and generate interest. For example:


"Local Community Hosts Annual Charity Gala to Benefit Homeless Shelter"

2. Write an Engaging Introduction

The first paragraph should provide a brief overview of the event, including the who, what, when, where, and why. Make sure to include the most important details upfront.

3. Include Event Details

In the following paragraphs, provide more details about the event. This includes the date, time, location, purpose, and any notable guests or speakers. Describe what attendees can expect and why the event is significant.

4. Provide Background Information

Offer background information about your organization or the cause behind the event. This helps provide context and may interest journalists in covering your event.

5. Include Quotes

Incorporate quotes from key organizers, sponsors, or participants to add credibility and human interest to your press release. Quotes should be relevant and add value to the story.

6. Add Supporting Information

Include any additional information that might be relevant or interesting to journalists, such as statistics, past successes, or unique aspects of the event.

7. Include Contact Information

At the end of the press release, provide contact information for media inquiries. Include the name, phone number, and email address of a spokesperson who can provide more information or arrange interviews.

8. Write a Strong Boilerplate

Conclude your press release with a brief paragraph about your organization. This is called a boilerplate and provides background information about who you are and what you do.


Tips for Writing:

  • Keep it concise: Stick to one page if possible, and use short paragraphs and sentences.
  • Use the inverted pyramid structure: Put the most important information first and the least important last.
  • Be objective: Write in the third person and avoid overly promotional language.
  • Proofread: Make sure your press release is free of typos and grammatical errors.

Businessman talking on the phone sitting in front of laptop in office

Why Your Press Release Matters

A good press release serves as a key tool for getting media coverage by providing journalists with all the information they need to write a story about your event, product, or announcement. Here's how it helps:

1. Provides Relevant Information

A well-written press release presents the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your event or announcement concisely and clearly. Journalists rely on this information to understand the significance of your story and determine if it's newsworthy.

2. Saves Journalists Time

Journalists are often under tight deadlines and appreciate having all the necessary information readily available. A good press release streamlines the process for them, making it more likely that they'll consider your story for coverage.

3. Increases Credibility

By providing facts, quotes, and background information in your press release, you establish credibility for your event or announcement. Journalists are more likely to trust and use information from sources they perceive as reliable.

4. Offers Story Ideas

A press release can spark story ideas for journalists. If your event or announcement aligns with current trends, issues, or interests, it may catch the attention of reporters looking for compelling content to cover.

5. Widens Reach

When journalists pick up your story and write about it, it reaches their audience, potentially extending the reach of your message far beyond your immediate network. This exposure can help you attract attendees, customers, or supporters.

6. Builds Relationships

Consistently sending well-crafted press releases to local media outlets helps build relationships with journalists. If they find your press releases valuable and your stories newsworthy, they may be more inclined to cover your future events or announcements.

7. Generates Buzz

A successful press release generates buzz around your event or announcement before it even happens. Media coverage can create anticipation, excitement, and interest among your target audience.

8. Provides Content for Multiple Platforms

In addition to traditional media outlets, a press release can be shared on your website, social media channels, and other platforms. This multiplies the chances of your message being seen and increases your event's visibility.


9. Improves SEO

Online press releases can improve your organization's search engine optimization (SEO) by generating backlinks to your website and increasing online visibility. This can lead to more website traffic and greater brand exposure.

Final Thoughts

A good press release acts as a bridge between your organization and the media, helping you communicate your message effectively and increase the likelihood of media coverage. If you need any help, our support team is always here for you. Schedule a call or just reach out to us via email or chat!


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