How to Fill Up Your Party Room on Slow Days

Many venues have a party room, private dining area, or small banquet hall which can be reserved for private gatherings. And during popular seasons like the holidays and summertime, your space might be fully booked every day for corporate parties, kids’ birthdays, baby showers, and other events. 


But in the slower months of the year, these rooms often go empty for weeks at a time. How can you turn that unused space into revenue?


You need to think outside the box to fill your party room on slow days. 


Depending on the type of venue you operate, just bringing guests through the doors can be a revenue boost. If they’re able to purchase concessions and merchandise, or enjoy paid activities such as arcade games, many venues can turn a profit while offering free admission to special events hosted in an unused party room. 


But if that model doesn’t work for your venue, we’ll also help you uncover some hidden customer segments you might not have thought of yet. 

Here are 11 Ways You Can Fill Your Party Room on Slow Days

Kids Neon Disco Party

1. Homeschool Activities

More than 3 million kids are homeschooled in the U.S. and these families often seek out opportunities for their children to get hands-on educational experience outside the home. Host a few science workshops or just fun activities and crafts for homeschooled children. The best part? Weekdays often work best for homeschool programs, which likely lines up with your slowest times for party room bookings. 

2. Craft Fairs

Local craft fairs can attract hundreds of attendees. You can take advantage of that increase in foot traffic by selling concessions to attendees or inviting them to purchase admission to your main attractions before or after they visit the fair. 

3. Flea Markets

Similar to a craft fair, hosting an event where vendors can sell previously owned goods can help bring more people inside your venue. Mom-to-Mom sales are a popular trend right now, where parents can resell gently used children’s clothing or other items. 

4. Fundraisers

Donate your space to nonprofit organizations hosting fundraising events when they order food and beverages from your venue. This can also be a good way to build good will in your community. Individuals who support the nonprofit may decide to patronize your business after learning that you donated space for their fundraiser. 

5. Food Truck Rallies

Got some extra space in your parking lot? Host a food truck rally! Guests can enjoy the local food and drinks, then head inside your venue to enjoy whatever attractions you have to offer. 


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6. Poker Tournaments

Charity poker tournaments are a popular event that would probably work great with your party room. All they need is a big open room with plenty of round tables where players will compete. Both competitors and spectators will probably want to enjoy some food and drinks during the tournament. 


You don’t need to limit yourself to poker: this type of setup would work for other types of gaming events, including video games or e-sports. 

7. Safety Workshops

Work with your local fire and police departments, hospitals, or local Red Cross chapter. They may need a space to host community awareness workshops about fire prevention, CPR and first aid, drug awareness, anti-bullying, self defense, and other topics. Whether these are paid bookings or donated, you can benefit from the additional traffic they’ll bring into your venue. 

8. Sip and Paint Classes

Bring in a local artist and sell admission to a relaxing, fun evening where guests learn how to create their own piece of art. You can also open your bar and concessions menus to guests for additional revenue. 

9. Cooking Classes

If your venue has a kitchen, this can be a great way to bring in new customers. Have one of your chefs teach guests how to make one of your most popular dishes or just how to prepare chef-quality meals at home. Consider adding a monthly theme or preparing seasonal recipes to keep guests coming back throughout the year. 

10. Social Clubs

Book clubs, knitting clubs, gaming clubs, and the like all need a place to meet on a regular basis. It’s not always possible to meet in someone’s home, especially if it’s a larger group. Try offering these clubs a discounted rate or give them the room for free if they order food and drinks for their meetings. 


If your venue has an arcade or game area where older children can play with minimal supervision, encourage club members to bring their teens and older tweens with them so your arcade can earn some revenue during the meetings. 

11. Civic Group Functions

Rotary Clubs and other organizations also need a place to host their meetings. Many of these groups meet on weekday evenings: the same days your party room is probably empty!

How Can I Find Groups to Book My Party Room?

Enjoying a Drink at Book Club


Party rooms are typically booked by a diverse range of individuals and groups looking for a venue to host various events and celebrations. 


Here are some common types of people or organizations that often book party rooms:

  • Individuals Celebrating Milestones: Individuals celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, or other personal milestones may book party rooms for private gatherings.
  • Families: Families hosting reunions, baby showers, or other family events often seek out party rooms for a comfortable and spacious venue.
  • Corporate Clients: Businesses and corporations may book party rooms for corporate events, meetings, team-building activities, or holiday parties.
  • Event Planners: Professional event planners often book party rooms on behalf of their clients for various occasions such as weddings, engagement parties, or themed events.
  • Community Groups: Local community groups, clubs, or organizations may use party rooms for meetings, social events, or fundraisers.
  • Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofit organizations may book party rooms for fundraising events, charity functions, or awareness campaigns.
  • Schools and Universities: Educational institutions may rent party rooms for student events, club meetings, or alumni gatherings.
  • Sports Teams: Local sports teams or fan groups might use party rooms for victory celebrations, team-building events, or game-day gatherings.
  • Small Businesses: Small businesses may choose party rooms for product launches, networking events, or corporate retreats.
  • Cultural and Religious Groups: Cultural or religious groups may book party rooms for ceremonies, cultural celebrations, or religious events.
  • Brides and Grooms: Couples often choose party rooms for engagement parties, bridal showers, or rehearsal dinners as part of their wedding celebrations.
  • Social Clubs: Social clubs and hobbyist groups may use party rooms for meetups, themed parties, or special events related to their interests.

The variety of events that can be hosted in party rooms makes them attractive to a broad audience. The flexibility and amenities provided by these venues cater to different needs and preferences, making party rooms a popular choice for a wide range of occasions.

How Can I Promote My Party Room?

Kids at a Science Museum


Promoting your party room effectively requires a mix of online and offline marketing strategies. Here are 10 ways to advertise and promote your party room:

1. Social Media Marketing

  • Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase your party room.
  • Share high-quality photos and videos of events hosted at your venue.
  • Run targeted ads to reach your desired audience.

2. Create a Website

  • Develop a professional website with information about your party room, available amenities, and pricing.
  • Optimize your website for search engines (SEO) to improve online visibility.

3. Online Directories

  • List your party room on popular event and venue platforms such as Yelp, Google My Business, and event-specific websites.
  • Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.

4. Email Marketing

  • Build an email list and send regular newsletters to subscribers.
  • Include information about upcoming events, promotions, and special discounts.

5. Influencer Collaboration

  • Partner with local influencers or bloggers to review and promote your party room.
  • Their endorsement can reach a broader audience and lend credibility to your venue.

6. Local Partnerships

  • Collaborate with local businesses, such as caterers, florists, or event planners, to cross-promote services.
  • Establishing partnerships can expand your reach within the community.

7. Event Sponsorship

  • Sponsor or participate in local events to increase your brand visibility.
  • Consider supporting community fundraisers or charity events.

8. Printed Materials

  • Design and distribute brochures, flyers, or business cards showcasing your party room.
  • Place these materials in strategic locations, such as local businesses or community bulletin boards.

9. Open Houses or Tours

  • Organize open house events to allow potential clients to tour your party room.
  • Offer special discounts for those who book during the event.

10. Online Advertising

  • Invest in online advertising through platforms like Google Ads or social media.
  • Use targeted ads to reach specific demographics interested in event venues.

Remember to track the effectiveness of each advertising method and adjust your strategies based on the results. Combining both online and offline approaches will help you reach a diverse audience and maximize your promotional efforts.

Final Thoughts

Filling up your party room on slow days is all about creativity and planning. By thinking outside the box, you can uncover new customer groups and use your venue’s best assets to generate more revenue. 


Need more ideas to increase revenue for your Family Entertainment Center? Check out our guide to Ticketing for FECs or this blog with 8 tips to double your FEC’s revenue this year. 


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