Entrance of VidCon

Video content has become such a great source of engagement and brand awareness over the past decade, especially with the introduction of apps like Tik Tok and YouTube. Video content can increase conversion rates, organic website traffic, and just 1 minute of video is worth up to 1.8 million words. 


VidCon is an annual convention for digital creators, fans, executives, and online brands. The event primarily features prominent video stars from across the internet. The 2022 conference was held June 22–25 in Anaheim, Calif. 


With dozens of seminars, celebrity panels, creator meetups, and workshops over a three-day event, there's a lot to cover. So we've rounded up the most important takeaways from Vidcon 2022, and what event producers need to know about how to  incorporate video content into their event promotion & fan engagement strategies. 

1. Podcast Video is Huge

Podcast content has been growing increasingly more popular over the years, and it’s become a powerful marketing tool. We’ve also seen the rise of the vlog - a video blog diary that offers the viewer a peek into someone’s life. Podcast video is the blend of these two things. Now viewers can watch their favorite podcasters do their thing. And all you need is a microphone - no fancy studio or elaborate backdrop. 


The largest benefit here is that you have universal content. Your podcast can be uploaded to the normal channels as audio, the video version can be put on YouTube, and then that video content can be repurposed into Instagram Reels or Tik Tok. All in all, it could be a game changer for many brands and help increase engagement.


Group of people with hands together

2. Collaboration is Key

At Vidcon 2022, many content creators emphasized the importance of collaboration. From a brand’s perspective, this could be crucial. One of the panelists highlighted the idea of authenticity in partnerships and collaborations. When a brand partners with a content creator, it’s important that they’re intentional about the creator they choose to work with. 


The audience can smell inauthenticity a mile away and they’re looking for content that’s real. That means, as a brand, you should be selective with your partnerships and choose creators who align with your brand.

3. Short-Form Content Could be a Game Changer

According to one of the Vidcon speakers, Sean Atkins (President of Jellymack), it’s crucial to understand where your audience is going and what mediums they’re using - then be there. As we’ve seen with the rise of Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Tik Tok videos, the audience wants shorter video content. 


That doesn’t mean that long-from content is out the window, just that it pairs well with short-form content too. This could mean repurposing long-form content to use on Instagram Reels or (like we mentioned earlier), creating a YouTube short as a teaser of your full length YouTube content.


Shadows of people in a crowd watching a concert

4. Audience First Strategy

So many creators and brands get caught up in the algorithm and try to ‘game the system’ when they should be focusing on providing quality content that engages their audience. Todd Beaupre, YouTube’s Director of Product Management, put it this way, instead of asking “how do I satisfy the algorithm?” ask, “how do I satisfy the audience?”

5. Treat Instagram Like A Car

4 wheels = feed, stories, live, and IGTV. Your car can only utilize its full potential when all four wheels are being used (and filled to the correct pressure). If one tire has low pressure, you may be in for a bumpy ride. 


This is a great analogy for focusing on each of these 4 content types with equal vigor. If you're able to create engaging content that works on all 4 levels, you'll grow your audience and your reach.

Until Next Year...

We hope Vidcon 2023 has as much great content to offer as this year did. The trend supports and increase in video content production and consumption across the board. It can seem tricky to brainstorm content ideas for the event industry, but the truth is your audience wants entertainment and authenticity.


You don't have to spend millions on studio equipment or fly in famous directors, just be real and give them a glimpse behind the scenes.

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