Woman dressed in all black looking down at a clipboard while standing outside.

According to popular movies and reality TV, event planning is about as exciting and glamorous as a career can get. From wine tasting to shopping and networking with big names, portrayals of event producers as the ultimate party animals constantly flood our screens. In reality, there is a lot of work that goes into event planning that many people don’t get to see. We’re here to debunk some of the most common myths surrounding event planning. 

Myth #1: Event planning is just for the creative types.
Reality: Event producers need to be a jack-of-all-trades to pull off successful events.

While creativity is undoubtedly a valuable asset in event planning, it's not the sole requirement to put on spectacular events that give guests that “wow” factor. Truthfully, event production is all about finding a delicate balance between creativity and practicality. Event producers also need strong organizational and analytical skills. They meticulously manage budgets, negotiate contracts, and handle financial aspects that can make or break an event. On top of planning the event, event producers also need to have knowledge in PR, marketing, tech, and social media. It's important to have a grasp on all of these skills to successfully run an event.

Myth #2: The work is done when the event starts.
Reality: Only about half of the work is done when the event starts.

While it’s a quick sigh of relief to see all of the pre-event planning being put into action, the reality is that the work is just beginning when the event starts. Event producers need to continue checking in and working during the event to make sure everything runs smoothly. This includes the big and small details. Even after the event has concluded, there are many additional steps that event producers take to make the next event even better. Post event marketing online, surveys, and more all help event producers learn and grow for the next event. 


Man giving a woman a handshake, dressed in business professional clothes.

Myth #3: Being an event producer is always very glamorous and full of attending fancy events.
Reality: You have to get your hands a little dirty to pull off the perfect event.

While event production can have its glamorous moments, it's not a constant parade of red carpets and attending high-scale events at luxurious venues. Ask any seasoned pro and they’ll tell you that there is very little time, if any, to “party.” Event producers are the unsung heroes who navigate through long hours, tight deadlines, and unexpected challenges to put on the perfect event for their guests. They swiftly handle last-minute changes and work diligently to ensure that the event runs smoothly. It's a labor of love that requires both adaptability and resilience to push through. 

Myth #4: Events always go exactly as planned.
Reality: Live events are inherently unpredictable, but you can be proactive in preventing mishaps.

Despite an event producer’s best efforts and meticulous planning, there are always going to be times when things don't go exactly as anticipated. Whether it's a last-minute change in the program, technical glitches, or unforeseen weather conditions, event producers must be skilled at adapting on the fly. They are masters of improvisation, finding creative solutions to keep the show running and ensuring that attendees have an amazing experience. Check out our tips for crisis management at your event so you can become an expert.


Woman writing on a whiteboard calendar.

Myth #5: The bigger the event, the better!
Reality: No event is too big or too small to create memorable experiences.

It’s a myth that event producers only work on large-scale events. From planning a backyard garden party to a conference with hundreds of people, no event is too big or too small to create a memorable impact on the guest. In fact, sometimes the smaller events are just as much work (or even more!) as the larger events. The misconception that larger events automatically make them more successful is not true. The industry caters to a diverse range of clients and occasions with different needs. Event producers are versatile enough to bring their expertise to events of all scales. 

Myth #6: Event planning is a small industry.
Reality: The event planning industry is growing faster than many other U.S. occupations.

While, at one time, event planning may have been a smaller industry, that is certainly not the case anymore. People often box event industry professionals into strictly wedding planning, but there are hundreds of event categories. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the event planning industry to grow by 18% over the next 10 years, which is 13% faster than the average growth rate across all U.S. occupations. The events industry is here to stay and its growth isn’t slowing down any time soon.


Woman standing in a circle of people while they clap.

Myth #7: Anyone can be an event producer.
Reality: It takes a skilled mastermind to create an outstanding event.

Being a professional event producer requires a much different skill set than casually planning your grandma’s birthday party. Although there are some exceptions, most event producers work full time and are considered the “go to” person of contact for pretty much everything pertaining to an event. Event planning can be extremely stressful for this reason, and requires someone with a level head to navigate any crucial problem-solving. Over time, a dedicated individual can build up the skills required to become a professional event producer, but it’s a myth that just anyone can do the job.

That’s a Wrap!

While the life of an event producer may not be as star-studded as Hollywood makes it out to be, it is still an extremely rewarding career. Event producers experience ups and downs, but nothing is more exciting than seeing all of your hard work pay off as you create the event of your dreams. Let us help support that dream with fast, simple online ticketing. Schedule a demo with one of our skilled support team members to see how easy it is to set up.


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