Discover the 5 most common event planning challenges and their solutions

In the event industry, challenges are inevitable. Every event producer knows this a bit too well. The event management process takes a lot of dedication, time, and serious planning. Yet, no matter how well you prepare in advance, some things won’t go according to plan on the day of your event.

It’s tough to plan for every possible situation, but thankfully you don’t have to. You just need to know the most common event planning challenges and how to solve them quickly if they pop up at your event.

Here are the 5 most likely event planning problems and solutions:


One of the most common event planning challenges is entertainers being late

1. Entertainers Might Be Late

Anything can make entertainers, artists, and speakers arrive a little bit later than expected. 


Examples are:

  • Traffic

  • Delayed flights

  • Personal issues

  • Emergencies

This is one of the most common problems faced by event organizers, and when it does happen—because it almost certainly will— the most important thing is to stay calm and understand when you need to step in.


The best scenario in this situation? Your main act(s) might have missed the rehearsal, but at least they are here before guests start arriving.


On the other hand—if you're not so lucky— the situation could be that your support band is already playing and the main artist is not there yet.


What do you do? You need to buy some time ASAP. Event planning experts should have a contingency plan to fill up their schedule.


You can let the support artist extend their warm-up show or hire a DJ to play cool jams in the meantime. You could also provide guests with free treats. 


Whatever you decide, make sure guests feel that the event is still running smoothly.


Remember: For your plan to work out, you should have your entertainers give you timely prior notice, even if it’s just an hour or two. This will give you time to think and act.

2. Your Suppliers Might Make a Mistake

We’re all human, and sometimes mistakes happen. That’s true of your even vendors, too. 


Here are some mistakes your vendors and suppliers may make:

  • Your catering might deliver the wrong order 

  • Suppliers might bring fewer chairs 

  • Event decorations might not be what you expected

So, what is the best backup plan for these situations?


Improvise! On many occasions, event planning requires seeing the best in what you’ve got. No extra chairs for your outdoor festival? Find some pillows to match your event’s boho vibe. Likewise, if it's an indoor event, you can have a couple of people sit on the stairs or tables. It all depends on how well you manage to cover the situation. Make it look like everything was planned! 


Overall, whenever you face such problems, think of any alternatives that will serve the same purpose. 


In some cases, your supplier might find a way to solve the problem on time. Next time, touch base with them a few days before the event to make sure everything is on track.


The weather can be a huge event planning challenge that can pop up unexpectedly

3. The Weather Might Not Be on Your Side

You should always monitor the weather before an event, especially during certain seasons, where rain, snowstorms, or even extremely high temperatures are common.


Even if you do, the weather forecast can sometimes be wrong. 


Here are some likely weather issues that may affect your event:

  • Rain on a seemingly sunny day

  • Heavy wind

  • Unexpected snow

So what can you do if it suddenly starts to rain?


Always have a backup plan to bring the outdoors inside. Especially if you are hosting an event in a place where unpredictable weather is common.


You should also be prepared to have specific safety protocols for your guests and provide them with the necessary amenities to make sure they are comfortable despite the circumstances.


The good news? Some people might not care about the rain and they’ll keep dancing under the drizzle.

4. Tech Might Not Work Properly

Event technology has become more reliable over the years, but equipment can still glitch out without warning. A/V issues are a common event planning challenge.


Always test your tech beforehand. If it was working during rehearsals and suddenly doesn’t work when it’s time to go live, you need to have a plan B.


If possible, try to have backup:

  • Batteries,
  • Microphones,
  • And a spare video camera.

Tell the audience to stay calm because luckily, tech issues can be solved quickly.


One of the worst event planning challenges that can pop up are related to your ticketing

5. Something Might Go Wrong With Your Ticketing Software

Ticketing is the primary way most events generate revenue. As an event producer, you know you can't afford to have an issue with your ticketing software.


Here are some likely event planning challenges you may encounter that can affect your ticketing:

  • Poor internet connection

  • Event attendees losing tickets

  • Bugs in the ticketing software

To tackle these issues, the first and number one thing you MUST do is to find a trustworthy ticketing partner. This is the best way to avoid any issues during (and before) your event.


Passage's event ticketing platform has your back if something goes wrong. For example, if you are scanning tickets and there’s no wifi connection or cellular data, you can use our Offline Mode feature to keep scanning. Offline scanning is also great to speed up the check-in and avoid having a huge crowd waiting at your front door. 


If someone forgets or loses their ticket, you can use Passage’s Guest List to look up a ticket purchaser by name, admit them to your event or attraction, and mark their ticket as redeemed—this is also a good way to improve security and make sure only those with tickets can enter.


You can also contact our support team by phone, email, or chat (even during weekends) if something pops up or find any additional information about our ticketing software at


All in all, these are the most common problems you might face when hosting an event. Our advice: always prepare a backup plan so you’ll be able to improvise without getting stressed during your event. 


And who knows? In the future, these event planning challenges may be fun stories to tell at your next event.


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