Using social media for events can be a beast. It can cause event producers the largest headache but it’s a necessary evil in today’s marketing landscape. It’s one of the easiest ways to market your event and fill up those seats.
While social media can be a great tool for marketing it’s also a difficult tool to get used to and to use effectively. The good news is we’re here to help! One of the greatest tools we have to offer you when it comes to social media marketing is our social media discounts feature.

Social Media Discounts for Events
Everyone loves receiving discounts. It’s even better when those discounts happen in real-time rather than a discount on a future purchase.
Gone are the days when we all spent time digging through the Sunday paper for all the good coupons (do they still deliver newspapers anymore?) and spending hours cutting each one out. Most stores stopped sending out coupons and it’s like a treasure hunt to find them. Amazon has started bringing them back with their ‘clipped coupons’ at checkout for small percentages off the item cost and companies have emerged to provide online coupons and discounts though those are still difficult to navigate.
The problem here is that customers didn’t stop wanting coupons or discounts. They just stopped taking the time to dig through each newspaper or scour the internet to find hidden coupon codes.
Now picture this – you have the option to increase your social media awareness, offer your customers easy discounts at checkout, and keep them coming back for more. Using social media for your event can do all this and more.
Ready to get started using the social discounts feature but need a little help? Schedule a demo and we’ll walk you through the whole process.
Give Your Customers An Incentive to Share Your Event
The good news is, with our innovative social discount feature you can achieve those things. We wanted to create a unique feature that would give your customers a dose of instant gratification at checkout. Many companies offer discounts on future purchases in order to encourage customers to come back and ultimately spend more money. However, we’ve found that most customers respond better to a discount they can use immediately.
Think about it this way – would you rather have $10 today or $10 a month from now? Most of us would choose $10 today because – why wait for it? Your customers are the same way, they are far more likely to take advantage of an offered discount if it can be used at that moment without spending more money than they are to come back for another purchase at a future date.
This is where the social discount feature comes into play: at the end of the checkout process, your customer has the option to share your event on the social media platform of their choice (Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter) in exchange for an immediate discount on their purchase. They can either use the auto-populated message you’ve created or they can edit it to fit their style.

What Types of Events are Social Media Discounts Good For
All of them. Unless your event is free (you can’t discount free), your customers will be thanking you for using this feature. It’s a great way to get the word out about your event and keep your customers happy.
How Much Should Our Discount Be?
The best part is you, as the event creator, get to decide what the discount is going to be. Your discount can be either a percentage off or a set dollar amount. It doesn’t have to be a crazy number like 50% off but it should be something that your customers will respond to and will incentivize them. You can even include a discount code in the sample post so that when they share your event, their friends can get a discount too. Set off a chain reaction of happy customers sharing your event with their friends on social media.
Wondering How To Set Up Your Social Discount?
We thought you might ask that, so we created a ‘How To’ guide to walk you through the process of setting up your social discount. Click the button below for more setup information or reach out to our amazing support team to schedule a demo for a one-on-one walk-through of the process.