Blog - Passage

11 struggles only professional event producers will understand - Passage

Written by Kat Rembacki | Sep 11, 2019 1:40:28 PM


From the outside, your job might seem like a glamorous, never-ending string of parties. We know better.


1. That stomach-churning, nervous adrenaline high you get the night before, when you’re feeling excited it’s finally happening but also secretly worried that no one will show up.

Especially if you’re launching a new event, you know this feeling. 


2. Shopping for last-minute supplies that you totally forgot about.

Or a Mac adaptor that the venue couldn’t provide. 


3. Living in constant fear of uncooperative weather for outdoor events.

Sometimes it feels like Mother Nature is out to get us. 


4. Knowing that no amount of begging and pleading will get your presenters or keynote speakers to turn in their Powerpoints on time.

Every. Dang. Time. 


5. Having to dress in layers because sometimes the venue is 1,000 degrees…

Literally melting.


6. And sometimes it’s freezing cold because the venue overcompensated for all the body heat.

Seriously is someone trying to freeze me out?


7. That all-too-familiar fear that strikes when the wifi inevitably goes down or A/V equipment fails in the middle of a seminar.

All we can do now is pray. 


8. You’re constantly in need of highlighters and pens to keep track of your schedule, registrations, and check-in lists…



Tbh if you’re still using paper check-in lists, we can help save you a ton of time. Drop us a line


9. And you know the cringe-worthy feeling of crossing off the wrong name on your check-in list.

Seriously, though, it’s a preventable headache


10. You have a recurring nightmare about being trampled when you get in between guests and the open bar.

People get way too excited about free bottom-shelf liquor. 


11. You know how to keep a smile on your face, even when it feels like everything is on fire behind the scenes.

…while secretly crying inside and/or adding Bailey’s to your fourth cup of coffee. 


Despite all the struggles, you manage to pull it off like a pro.

Planning a professional event, whether it’s a festival or a conference or something else entirely, takes a lot of work and tons of energy. Guests can never fully appreciate the sleepless nights and sacrifice you go through to make sure no detail goes overlooked.


What are your biggest event challenges? What strategies have you tried to overcome them? Let us know in the comments!