Here at Passage and all of our specialty category brands (HauntPay, EscapeTix, SavorStub, SoccerStub, and more) we always strive to make sure we’re continually improving our platform to help you (the event organizer) sell more and reach more fans! We received a ton of great feedback in 2016, we’ve been hard at work building out a ton of great updates, and we’re going to start rolling those changes out over the next couple months.
February 2017: Payments Upgrade.
In February we’re going to be rolling out a HUGE update to our payments. Amongst other things, this will lead to:
- Faster transactions.
- Support for additional payment methods.
- Including Apple Pay!
- Easier checkout process with fewer errors.
- Better support for international cards.
- Eventual support for non-US events.
- Artificial intelligence-powered anti-fraud system.
- More funding options.
- In-person support for EMV / chip cards.
- Much more….

What We Need From You
The next time you log in to Passage (or one of our specialty brands like HauntPay, EscapeTix, SavorStub, SoccerStub, etc), you’ll see an agreement pop-up asking you to accept our new pricing and terms of service.
To make sure your service continues uninterrupted, please log in and click to accept before our final switch-over date on February 28th, 2017.
Payments: We’re standardizing our pricing structure. This means lower processing fees and lower chargeback fees for just about everyone we’re working with. You don’t have to accept this one, but if you want those lower processing fees, access to accept Apple Pay, and the other upgrades we’re rolling out, I highly recommend it!
Terms of Service: Acceptance of this one is required since we’ve added a new service provider. Don’t worry: we still have no term length requirements (you’re welcome to come and go as you please), and no exclusivity (you’re welcome to use us alongside another payments platform).
What’s Next?
This is just the start of a string of new updates. We’ll be announcing more and more over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for a big design overhaul, new functionality, product-only sales, more in-person hardware options, and more!
Thanks a ton for being a Passage client! We can’t wait to help you make your next event a success. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or feedback don’t hesitate to click the chat button in the bottom right corner, email us at, or call us at +1.855.688.7277 (option 1).
Here’s to a great event!